
My scholarship focuses on the frictions and decision-making processes that affect how financial and human capital (i.e., money and workers) are allocated throughout the economy. My three main research areas of interest are: (1) the role of financial frictions in climate finance, (2) individual and institutional investor decision-making, and (3) labor and finance. 

Working Papers

A Flash in the Pan(demic)? Migration Risks and Municipal Bonds with Matt Gustafson, Peter Haslag, and Zihan YeR&R at Management Science



Presentations: Remote Work Conference at Stanford (scheduled), FIFI @ S. Carolina (scheduled), AEA, FCMG 

Dynamic relationship between COVID-era migration and municipal bond spreads (Poisson):

Directing the Labor Market: The Impact of Shared Board Members on Employee Flows with Taylor Begley and Peter Haslag



Presentations: NFA, Endless Summer, EFA, Northeastern Finance Conf., CSFN Conf. on Governance and Sustainability, Bretton Woods Ski Conf., MFA, Santiago Finance Workshop, LFG @ Chicago Fed, Conf. on Empirical Legal Studies @UChicago, Dolomites Summer Finance, Erasmus Corp. Gov., Michigan State, Tennessee, Georgia Tech, Vanderbilt

Coverage: Columbia Law School Blog, ProMarket 

Relative flow of employees between a pair of firms around initiation of board overlap (Poisson):

How Costly are Trading Heuristics? [work-in-progress]with Hee-Seo Han and Xindi He

Draft coming soon


Relationship Between Heuristic Usage and Relative Future 1mo, 3mo, & 6mo 12mo Returns 

Published Papers

1. Can Markets Discipline Government Agencies? Evidence from the Weather Derivatives Market with Amiyatosh Purnanandam. Journal of Finance, 2016, 71: 303–334.

Links to paper: SSRN, Published Version


Improvement in NWS temperature measurement error rate post-CME contract introduction:

2. Financial Sector Stress and Risk Sharing: Evidence from the Weather Derivatives Market. Review of Financial Studies, 2019, 32(6), 2456-2497.

Links to paper: SSRN, Published Version, Internet Appendix


Collapse of Monthly Temperature Futures Market Brought on by the Crisis:

3. Are Monthly Market Returns Predictable? with Jussi Keppo and Tyler Shumway. Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 2021, Volume 11, Issue 4, 806-836.

Links to paper: SSRN, Published Version, Internet Appendix


Performance of a trading strategy based on the differential flows of past successful and unsuccessful market timers:

4. Revealed Heuristics: Evidence from Investment Consultants' Search Behavior with Sudheer Chava and Soohun Kim. Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 2022, Volume 12, Issue 2, 543–59.

Links to paper: SSRN, RAPS, Online Appendix


Investment consultant screen frequency and fund elimination probability by fund AUM:

5. Firm Finances and the Spread of COVID-19: Evidence from Nursing Homes with Taylor Begley. Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 2023, Volume 12, Issue 1, 1-35. Editor’s choice.

Links to paper: SSRN, RCFS, Internet Appendix


Estimated Impact of Medicaid Reimbursement Expansion on COVID-19 cases:

Links to Paper: SSRN, Management Science


Relationship between the minority share of applicant county and SBA disaster loan denial rate:

7.  Long-Run Labor Costs of Housing Booms and Busts with Taylor Begley and Peter Haslag​. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2024, 59(8), 3871-3899.

Links to paper: SSRN, JFQA


Relative occupational wage growth for Bubble MSA entrants into realty during 2000s boom:

8. From L.A. to Boise: How Migration Has Changed During the COVID-19 Pandemic with Peter Haslag. Forthcoming, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

Links to Paper: SSRN, JFQA


Media Coverage (link)

Proportional change in interstate migration following COVID-19 outbreak by origin (top) and destination (bottom) 

9. Uncovering Financial Constraints with Matt Linn. Forthcoming, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.


Links to paper: SSRN, JFQA, Internet Appendix


Extended constraint measure coverage provided by our measure:

Institutional investors hold more of the least equity-constrained firms

Robinhood investors tend to favor equity constrained stocks