
My scholarship focuses on the frictions and decision-making processes that affect how financial and human capital (i.e., money and workers) are allocated throughout the economy. My three main research areas of interest are: (1) the role of financial frictions in climate finance, (2) individual and institutional investor decision-making, and (3) labor and finance. 

Working Papers

A Flash in the Pan(demic)? Migration Risks and Municipal Bonds with Matt Gustafson, Peter Haslag, and Zihan YeR&R at Management Science



Presentations: Remote Work Conference at Stanford (scheduled), FIFI @ S. Carolina (scheduled), AEA, FCMG 

Dynamic relationship between COVID-era migration and municipal bond spreads (Poisson):

Directing the Labor Market: The Impact of Shared Board Members on Employee Flows with Taylor Begley and Peter Haslag



Presentations: Cavalcade (scheduled), Euro. Winter Finance Summit (scheduled), Owners as Strategists, NFA, Endless Summer, EFA, Northeastern Finance Conf., CSFN Conf. on Governance and Sustainability, Bretton Woods Ski Conf., MFA, Santiago Finance Workshop, LFG @ Chicago Fed, Conf. on Empirical Legal Studies @UChicago, Dolomites Summer Finance, Erasmus Corp. Gov., Michigan State, Tennessee, Georgia Tech, Vanderbilt

Coverage: Columbia Law School Blog, ProMarket 

Relative flow of employees between a pair of firms around initiation of board overlap (Poisson):

How Costly are Trading Heuristics? [work-in-progress]with Hee-Seo Han and Xindi He

Draft coming soon


Presentations: UCONN finance conference (scheduled), Boulder Summer Conference (scheduled)

Relationship Between Heuristic Usage & 12mo Returns for Different Categories of Heuristics:

Published Papers

1. Can Markets Discipline Government Agencies? Evidence from the Weather Derivatives Market with Amiyatosh Purnanandam. Journal of Finance, 2016, 71: 303–334.

Links to paper: SSRN, Published Version


Improvement in NWS temperature measurement error rate post-CME contract introduction:

2. Financial Sector Stress and Risk Sharing: Evidence from the Weather Derivatives Market. Review of Financial Studies, 2019, 32(6), 2456-2497.

Links to paper: SSRN, Published Version, Internet Appendix


Collapse of Monthly Temperature Futures Market Brought on by the Crisis:

3. Are Monthly Market Returns Predictable? with Jussi Keppo and Tyler Shumway. Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 2021, Volume 11, Issue 4, 806-836.

Links to paper: SSRN, Published Version, Internet Appendix


Performance of a trading strategy based on the differential flows of past successful and unsuccessful market timers:

4. Revealed Heuristics: Evidence from Investment Consultants' Search Behavior with Sudheer Chava and Soohun Kim. Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 2022, Volume 12, Issue 2, 543–59.

Links to paper: SSRN, RAPS, Online Appendix


Investment consultant screen frequency and fund elimination probability by fund AUM:

5. Firm Finances and the Spread of COVID-19: Evidence from Nursing Homes with Taylor Begley. Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 2023, Volume 12, Issue 1, 1-35. Editor’s choice.

Links to paper: SSRN, RCFS, Internet Appendix


Estimated Impact of Medicaid Reimbursement Expansion on COVID-19 cases:

Links to Paper: SSRN, Management Science


Relationship between the minority share of applicant county and SBA disaster loan denial rate:

7. From L.A. to Boise: How Migration Has Changed During the COVID-19 Pandemic with Peter Haslag. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2024, 59(5), 2068-2098.

Links to Paper: SSRN, JFQA


Media Coverage (link)

Proportional change in interstate migration following COVID-19 outbreak by origin (top) and destination (bottom) 

8. Uncovering Financial Constraints with Matt Linn. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2024, 59(6), 2582-2617.


Links to paper: SSRN, JFQA, Internet Appendix


Extended constraint measure coverage provided by our measure:

Institutional investors hold more of the least equity-constrained firms

Robinhood investors tend to favor equity constrained stocks

9.  Long-Run Labor Costs of Housing Booms and Busts with Taylor Begley and Peter Haslag​. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2024, 59(8), 3871-3899.

Links to paper: SSRN, JFQA


Relative occupational wage growth for Bubble MSA entrants into realty during 2000s boom: